
Chatterbox modified mods cache locations
Chatterbox modified mods cache locations

chatterbox modified mods cache locations

The last thing needed is the weapon blueprint. First to get Hyenas keys to unlock Hyena Chest boxes and then find weapons parts. There is an Outcast Cache in the basement, and above ground just outside that same building. To Craft Chatterbox Exotic SMG weapon in The Division 2 you will need to find four items. The other parts are called 'Loaded Canister' and 'Creative Magazine'. Capture it in the west, and complete the OSS secret side mission to unlock the basement area. 'Modified Mods' is one of the parts you need to collect for Chatterbox and it drops in Judiciary Square. If you’re looking for Outcasts Caches, there are two very close to the ‘Baby’ Control Point. To the right of the main path door, there’s a cache. After clearing the parking lot, you’ll enter a room. You can also find caches in the Jefferson Trade Center.

chatterbox modified mods cache locations

It’s just to the right as you exit the stairs. Near the end, when you’re fighting through the hotel rooms, you’ll find a cache in a restroom along the left side of the main path. There’s also a Black Tusk Cache on the rooftop. There is a Hyena Faction Cache in the Grand Washington Hotel mission. Downtown West Region: Northeast of the Campus Settlement.West End Region: South of the West DZ entrance.West Potomac Park Region: Outside the Washington Monument, or near the DZ entrance.White House Region: North of the Base of Operations, on the northern edge of the map.You’ll have to farm these - go to underground entrances to collect keys, then locate Hyena Caches to (hopefully) collect the Chatterbox crafting parts. The Chatterbox crafting blueprint is also only found in Hyena Faction caches. The ‘Chatterbox’ is an insanely useful exotic P90 SMG that can only be crafted with rare exotic parts found in Hyena Faction Caches.


How To Craft The Chatterbox Exotic P90 SMG

  • East of Lincoln Memorial: Underground contains.
  • One cache can be found in the police station on Indiana Avenue just past The Cinderblock Control Point.


    Post by igazor Mon 4:10 am Probably not directly related to the issue at hand, but your following mods are out of date: MasterController (base plus add-ons), Register, Traveler. Third-Open a Hyena Cache in Judiciary Square and it may drop the Modified Mods.

    chatterbox modified mods cache locations

    Foggy Bottom: Underground contains 8-9 keys. Location: Everyone should strive to find their inner platypus.South of the Roosevelt Island Bridge: Underground contains 5-6 keys. This tutorial will show you how to refresh modifications cache.The text version of tutorial.With the SHD perk, any loot containers within range will light up. First things first, the Chatterbox has a Critical Hit Chance of +14.5 which is pretty high. To make key collection easier, you can capture Control Points near the underground entrances and donate supplies. To get it for yourself, make sure you follow our Division 2 Chatterbox guide. To craft an Exotic SMG, you’ll need to farm for Hyena Caches / Keys. NOTE: Most importantly, Hyena Caches contain EXOTIC SMG parts.You can also collect an endless supply of Faction Keys - some underground regions have 5+ keys. With all the materials collected, The Division 2 players should then be. The higher your World Tier, the better the loot will be. Here are the materials needed for crafting: 15 Carbon Fiber. Why collect Faction Keys?: Faction Caches contain high-end loot. The underground zones will almost always feature a wall-mounted case that contains a faction key. If you’re exploring the map, you’ll uncover yellow markers - these are underground entrances. How To Find Faction Keys: Faction Keys are often located in underground areas. Caches appear in certain spots on the map, or in random spots in main missions, side missions, or strongholds. There are keys / caches for all four factions. How To Farm Faction Keys & Caches | Chatterbox Exotic Guideįaction Keys are special keys you can find that unlock faction-specific caches. The Division 2: Unlock A WW2 Era Uniform With This Hidden Quest | Secrets Guide.35 Super Boss By Shooting A Light | Easter Egg Guide The Division 2: 12 Features The Game Doesn’t Explain | Beginner’s Guide.The Division 2: The Best Skills You’ll Want To Unlock First | Beginner’s Guide.Rule 1 - Follow Reddiquette Rule 2 - Harassment & Witchhunting Rule 3 - Low Effort/Low Quality Rule 4 - Duplicates Bugs & Glitches Rule 5 - Self Promotion & Spam Rule 6 - Advertising, Selling etc. It will also list the locations of all four obtainable Exotic Weapons in the game and the steps required to unlock them. Keep it fun, keep it respectful and remember that in the end - it's just a game. This guide will go over the locations for the keys needed to unlock certain faction caches, required for one of the Exotic Weapons so far. The power to shape this community is in your hands.

    Chatterbox modified mods cache locations